Home remedies for whitening teeth

Who wouldn’t like to have a perfect set of white shiny teeth . A perfect white smile is a great confidence booster and gives an impression of a younger ,healthy and attractive person. Unfortunately as you age various factors in combination causes yellowing of teeth like

1)Caffiene – Coffee and tea have a tendency to cause yellowing of teeth

2)Smoking – Yellowing and stained teeth is caused by using nicotine based products.

3)Wine:Wine is also known to cause yellowing of teeth

4)Sugary foods - Sugary foods of any type, including chocolates are harmful for the teeth and can cause yellowing.

5)Poor dental hygiene: Having poor dental hygience is another cause of yellowing teeth.

Unless it isn’t a serious dental issue , here are some secrets to whiten your teeth naturally using neem, baking soda, banana peels and other natural health remedies.
Fruit peel
Rub your teeth with the inside of a banana or orange peel at least twice a week . Brush after sometime to get dazzling white teeth. Banana peel is a good source of minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium and a good antioxidant.
Neem :
Neem is a traditional remedy to get white healthy teeth. Neem twig used regularly can help whiten the teeth naturally.Brush your teeth with a neem twig for good results
Holy Basil : 
Dry the leaves of the holy basil, powder them and use it on teeth. Holy basil (tulsi) is known to protect against bleeding gums and also increase the whiteness of the teeth.
Baking soda: 
Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a little water and pour over your toothbrush before brushing ,This helps in teeth whitening.Use this remedy only once a week and after seeing results , once a month.
Citrus fruits : 
Vitamin C can brighten your teeth . Take a fruit like strawberry,lemon etc and wipe over your teeth . Due to acidic content which might harm your gums try it only about once a month or when required.
Oral hygiene :
A lot of people forget to maintain a basic oral hygiene which prevents teeth from yellowing . Brush your teeth twice a day and rinse your mouth after each meal.
Following any of the above will help you in getting white and healthy teeth .

This is not Meant to be an alternative for professional medical advice , diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of  your physician or a qualified health professional before starting any treatment.These are simple home remedies which might work if you are in good health and not allergic to any of the above .
