Surya Namaskar

Surya namaskar which literally translates to 'Sun Salutation' is a sequence of twelve asanas(postures) in yoga which provides a good cardio vascular workout besides a host of other benefits and can be done especially by those who are hard pressed for time to perform other forms of exercises.It is said that doing 12 rounds of Surya namaskar is akin to a full workout and leaves you mentally and physically fit .It is a complete workout benefitting the physical as well as the mental system- a set of comprehensive exercises for overall well being.It is also said to be a way of expressing gratitude to the sun for sustaining life on this planet.Surya namaskar is best done in the morning on an empty stomach.

Benefits of the surya namaskar 
1)Purifying of blood and improved blood circulation
2)Proper functioning of digestive system
3)Flexibility and toning of muscles
4)Improves concentration 

Shavasana is practised at the end of these exercises for rest.Pranayama is synchronised with the asanas.

 The following is the sequence of asanas for surya namaskar:

Stand with a straight back ,feet touching each other and the palms should be joined together as in prayer .This is the first asana.

Ardha Chandrasana 
With a deep inhalation, raise both arms above your head with palm facing outwards and tilt  backward arching your back.this stretches your chest and abdominal area.Inhale as you do so .This is the second asana.

Pada Hastasana

Slowly bend forward and touch the mat with both palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.Try to keep your legs as straight as possible,perpendicular to the ground.Exhale as you bend down.

Surya Darshan 
Inhale and move your right leg backwards ,away from your body.The left knee is bent and the left foot placed flat on the ground. Lift the spine and expand the chest.


Bring the right leg back to join with the left leg and  raise the hips and lower the head .Let your head be between your arms and a triangle is formed with the floor .The feet should not be raised.Exhale during this asana.

Sashtang Dandawat 

With a deep exhalation, lower your body down till your, forehead, chest, knees, hands and feet are touching the mat, your hip should be slightly tilted up as in prostration. Take a normal breath in this pose.


With a deep inhalation, slowly move forward till your head and chest1 is upward, your back arched as much as possible.


Bring the right leg back to join with the left leg and  raise the hips and lower the head .Let your head be between your arms and a triangle is formed with the floor .The feet should not be raised.Exhale during this asana.

Surya Darshan 

Now inhale and move your left leg backwards ,away from your body.The right knee is bent and the right foot placed flat on the ground. Lift the spine and expand the chest.

Pada Hastasana

Slowly bend forward and touch the mat with both palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.Try to keep your legs as straight as possible,perpendicular to the ground.Exhale as you bend down.

Ardha Chandrasana:

With a deep inhalation, raise both arms above your head with palm facing outwards and tilt  backward arching your back.this stretches your chest and abdominal area.Inhale as you do so 


Return to standing position like in the beginning, both feet touching, palms joined together, in prayer pose.

This is one round of Surya Namaskar .Rest for a few seconds and start again.If done a little fast it strengthens you physically and slow process followed with breathing ,it it said to benefit mentally and spiritually.

Note:If you have any physical health conditions,consult a doctor before doing the Surya Namaskar .
